Thursday, November 04, 2021


Making up some nonsense and selling it is an old tradition. Republicans have perfected it. Always add an element of fear. Hell was the original seasoning for selling religion. Republicans turned critical race theory into a best selling paranoid right wing game, and it worked. The Hoopleheads love to be worked up about Mexicans invading, Bill Gates putting microchips in the vaccine, and Hillary running a sex ring. Hoopleheads have Christmas and Halloween all year, terrific fantasies, with some scary stuff. The Hoopleheads are just children that are sixty years old. They can be told pretty much anything and they will believe it if it sounds fun. Churches were the first to figure out you could make up a story and sell it at a profit. Now the rich never want to pay taxes. What do they do? Buy the government and then run the government. The best story the rich have sold the poor is that the poor are the problem. The plantation is dire straits not because the master built a mansion, but because the slaves don't pick the cotton fast enough. Is that hard to understand. Now the good slaves have to understand it is the lazy slaves who will not show up to pick cotton that are causing the problem. Forget about all that wine the master imported from France. The best thing to do is cut back the food ration for the lazy slaves, then they will have to show up and pick cotton. Is that hard to figure out? 

All this nonsense reminds me of my old friend Daryl. Kadizzle for lack of anything better to do would help Daryl deliver the milk to stores around Hazen. One day we had to take some milk to Cenex. Daryl was taking the longest most obtuse route to get there. Daryl was obsessed with gas prices. Kadizzle asked Daryl why he was taking such a long route to the store. Daryl replied " I have expensive gas in the tank, I want to get it out and put cheaper gas in".  This is the way Hoopleheads think. 

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