Monday, November 15, 2021

Born again with Covid.

North Dakota has a couple of right wing newspaper writers. Scott Hennen is the worst, and the Fargo Forum sponsors a couple of other despicable characters. Now and interesting phenomenon, Rob Port used to be caught up in the right wing fantasy, however a strange thing happened, Port got Covid. Kadizzle had a Jihad going with Port for a long time, but after Covid, Port seemed to become more rational and moved away from his right wing positions. To the amazement of Kadizzle a bad case of Covid seems to have cured Port of a bad case of Fox News mania. Today Port wrote a very good article about the simple mindedness of the Republican Party as it destroys itself with the Trump gang. Kadizzle actually wrote Port and congratulated him on a good job. Never did Kadizzle think such a day would come, but if more Republicans would seek to save their party from the insanity that has infected it, it could be a good thing, and perhaps there could be some good come out of Covid if it is attacking the Republcian brain cells that infested Trump. 

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