Friday, September 10, 2021

The Republican Taliban

Strangely some people like having the world managed for them. Some people like the military concept where you don't think, you just do what you are told. The people in the Trump Cult like the idea of a strong idiot running the world. It means thinking is no longer a requirement. Religion provides that wonderful system where you give up thought and let someone else do it for you. However, abdicating your right to think never turns out good. Once you put faith in some goofy psychopath it is all downhill. Playing on the simple minded who find thinking painful the Republicans seek to keep funneling wealth to the rich. Manipulating the Hoopleheads is just too easy.  Anyone can play to the emotions of the Hoopleheads. That is how Hoopleheads work they don't think, they just react to emotions. So you play on the fear, hate, and basic emotions of the simple minded and you got em. 

Slowly our country is turning into a mass of uneducated people ripe for the status of third world. Like so many south American countries we now have a class of immoral rich people willing to put us all into poverty. 


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