Friday, September 24, 2021

Ignorance thrives in warm climates

Millions were pissed away on the Arizona audit. Today they admitted there was no fraud. In the old days education meant something. No matter what school you went to you learned a few basics. That day is gone. You can no longer rely on meeting people who have a clue about history, science or math. Trump showed us how dangerously dumb we have become. Kadizzle is somewhat of a history person, mostly by accident. Kadizzle was forced to learn some history in college to avoid being shot in Vietnam.  Of course history is taught completely wrong. It is taught as a memory contest of dates, and event. History should really be taught about concepts. How did Hitler come to power? How did an advanced country like Germany embrace an insane lunatic like Hitler? Well, Trump answered that question for us.  Control the masses of stupid people and you control the country. In our country the Republicans have worked long and hard to make the simple minded scared, and feed them Fox News baloney.  It worked. We know for certain there are 74 million certified idiots in the country. A key tool for spreading ignorance is religion. Religion says don't believe the obvious, instead believe whatever you want. As long as you get a big group of people to believe something, then it is true. It works for Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, you name it. If a lot of people believe something it must be true. If dad believed, and mom believed it, it must be true. Facts are whatever you want them to be. How can you verify your beliefs. Simply turn on Fox News, or consult some expert that can give you the lie you need. A key to Republican success, and the success of religion is to get people to distrust reality. There is of course the devil working behind the scenes, not to mention angels and saints. Once you rinse reality from your brain the thoughts you can cook up are endless. 

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