Thursday, September 23, 2021

Magic refrigerator

 The Earth Module has been pretty good to us in the last year, but it has found our weak spot. The refrigerator quit working about two months ago. We hauled the whole damn camper to Showlow and the RV people told us there was nothing wrong with it. It worked for about two months and quit two days ago. RV refrigerators will run on gas or electric. Now it is working on gas, but today we will see if it will run on electric. This is just going to be one more hassle. The home building in Payson has become insane. The contractor is having his share of problems getting materials, labor, and hooking up the utilities. The stove finally came with a dent in it. Took a major intervention to get that mess cleared up. Home Depot does not seem to realize they are sending us another stove. Somewhere down the road we may have one, two, or maybe three stoves. Since employers are so hard up for employees the dolts have been hired. This adds to all the problems. In retrospect we should have chosen a good nursing home and moved in. There should be cages for people like us. The compound could have a lot of nice amenities. Kadizzle wanted to travel as the final years are burnt up, but it looks like the Covid insanity will put a stop to that. We are living in a time of the Trump mental plague. One thing Trump let us know is how many brain dead people are walking the streets. The brain dead live on misinformation, and reality just does not penetrate the lead shield around their dead brain. What me worry, seems to be how they operate. Stupid and proud is the new Trump motto. 

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