Friday, September 03, 2021

The Republican Taliban

Inch by inch the Republican Taliban is stealing our democracy. Texas has fallen. The Republican Taliban attacked our Capitol. Stupidity has become respectable. Flying a Trump flag in front of your home is an announcement to the public you are proud to be ignorant. Behind the Republican Taliban are the people on top. 400 families own and run the United States, they fear taxes more than anything. The Republican Taliban is their tool to manipulate the simple minded. Religion is something the rich don't believe in, but know is the key to manipulating the simple minded. Look at Afghanistan what do you see?People carrying guns. Look at Texas, Arizona, and other redneck Trump states, what do you see, the gun slingers.  The Republican Taliban is like termites. They are in your house destroying it without you seeing the damage they do.  If your house is infected with termites you just sit there until your house crumbles. That is the United States, and the Republican termites are eating our very foundation. 

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