Thursday, April 16, 2020

Will Change Come?

The NYT has an article with a subject Kadizzle has been thinking about. Will social change come from this virus foray?  If anything this mess has shown the inadequacies of our health care, and our economic system. If people suffer enough things change. That was the case after the depression.  The greed dogs more commonly known as the Republicans did a lot to reverse the progress that was made after world war two.  Now here we sit with one percent owning everything.  If people don't wake up we are well on our way to being a third world country run by a mentally ill dictator.  Wait we are there. Most crazy in this mess is we have enough for everyone  to live comfortably.  Why do people build pyramids when they need roads?  Look at the insanity of cars.  So much work goes into building cars when we need housing.  What in the hell is wrong when most families have three cars and a lot of families live in a shack?  That is a hard puzzle.

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