Friday, April 24, 2020

Don't Trust your lying eyes

People are buzzing this morning after the Trumpster suggested injecting a little lysol might clear up the virus.  Too many people seem to forget he is a stable genius.

My old neighbor was a stable genius, and incidentally a Republican.  My neighbor went on to the Trump cult in the sky, but Kadizzle misses him.  We were good friends and many times Kadizzle helped him.  Once we built his sun room together.  During construction of the sun room Kadizzle got to see the mind of a Republican in action.  Neighbor cut off a 2 x 4 too short.  Kadizzle was sent to the lumbar yard to get another piece of wood.  When Kadizzle returned neighbor said he solved the problem of the short wood,  he glued a piece back on.  This is the same neighbor that painted his truck with cans of spray paint.  You can imagine it looked terrible, but he thought it was great.  When Kadizzle first met the guy he took great pride in the bookshelf he built over the fireplace.  Looking at the book shelf Kadizzle noticed the trim sealed the books in.   If you wanted to take a book from the shelf you could not because the trim kept them in.  Pointing this out to the good Republican Kadizzle got this reply.  " Oh I don't need to get those books out, I already read them".  You can bet Trump does not have any books he has already read.  Whenever Republican neighbor and Kadizzle would get in an argument, neighbor would say " I am a genius, and I have a card to prove it".  Then from his wallet he would pull his Reader's Digest Mensa card.   It surprised Kadizzle he could pass any test, but Kadizzle later found out he had taken the test five times before he passed.  He was of course a stable genius just like Trump.  Kadizzle has always loved neighbors best quote " Education just confuses people".   Republicans believe that is the case.  College, science books, or just talking to a liberal can confuse a cult member.  The answer is simple just keep the TV on Fox News.

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