Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Morning has broken

Kadizzle has a mind that is infinity curious.  On solution to this are trade magazines.  Almost every profession has a magazine that they will send you free.  Sometimes to get one you have to make up a company name.  Kadizzle goes by Quinn Safety Consultants.  Anyway you can get trade journals on coal, electricity, and so many other things.  Somehow Kadizzle subscribed to a journal called " Tech Briefs".  This journal has been a favorite. It keeps Kadizzle up to date on the most current breakthroughs in technology.  The stuff that is coming down the road is hard to comprehend.  Battery technology is one thing that will be life changing.  There is so much going on that is so exciting it can not all be mentioned here.  Everything is going to change in amazing ways.  This morning Kadizzle read about a radio smaller than a grain of rice that can be implanted in just about anything relay data.  The spies of World War Two would have a blast with current technology. 3D printing has reached capabilities that are already unimaginable. The sensors for cars both inside and out will grow by magnitudes.  Technologist are almost able to duplicate the senses of bats for seeing without eyes. Solar power is also making leaps.  Now this seems unbelievable, and Kadizzle is going to have to read the article once more, but apparently you can generate power at night from a solar panel.  It seems absurd, but somehow the panel can produce electricity by emitting light. Like was written the Big K is going to have to read that one once more.  How about this a pressure sensor in your eye? If you want to find the next breakthrough in a stock market sweep get with this magazine.

Back to the real cold world of little town nowhere. The Kadizzles left AZ because it was getting too hot.  Well here we sit freezing our ass off.  Snow, imagine that sits out in the yard.  The only reason to be here in the winter is because you don't know any better.  Kadizzle has turned from a die hard to a seasoned snow bird.  Every year Winky gives Kadizzle grief for returning to the arctic. Better to live in a shoe box in he desert than a mansion in the arctic.

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