Monday, April 13, 2020

Trust in God and Trump

Supply and demand is the mantra of capitalism until it starts to work for poor people, then it is game off.  There is simply too much oil. That means the price goes down. That means working people pay less. That means oil companies suffer.  We cannot let that happen. President Trump who loves us all wants to prop up the price of oil. He does this for the poor guy driving to work, not for the oil companies. Just like the way he hides his taxes, there is a good reason, we just don’t understand it. Like religion we must take Trump on blind faith.  Although his policies seem to favor the rich we must accept that he is all knowing and really cares for us. None of us understand the mind of God, nor do we understand the mind of Trump, but both are our saviors and we must accept on faith what science has proven wrong. We now live in a world where truth and facts have been abandoned and all we have is faith.  Put your faith in Trump, God chose him for a reason even though we don’t know what that reason is. 

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