Friday, April 17, 2020

Good Morning Kadizzilites

Good morning.  North Korea and South Korea set off nuclear weapons last nigh.  Not really, what happened was Winky was watching television when the screen went blank.  Kadizzle was commanded by Trump's second in command to fix the television.  As Kadizzle tried to diagnose the problem Winky fired missiles, and some small arms.  Unless a cease fire was declared Kadizzle threatened to walk off the battlefield.  After trying everything in the book we decided the old TV was dead.  This meant the TV from the basement hat to quickly be brought upstairs to replace the wounded TV.  Now we heat our  house with the television and also use it to cook our brains so you can see time was short.  Finally we got the basement Television going and carefully placed Winky back in her chair.  Birds sang, a heavenly light came from the television and Kadizzle retired to some nice sleep music in his ward room in the asylum. What if we had not had a spare? It would be like no defibrillator during a heart attack.  The two engine plane is now flying on one engine.  There is a small tv in the kitchen, but it does not have the power to make us as stupid as we need to be.  A close call, but thanks to the concept of mutual destruction we are still alive.

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