Wednesday, April 29, 2020

It would tickle me

With the new TV Kadizzle has started watching the series Outlander.  The series is set mostly in ancient Scottish times.  At any rate Kadizzle was viewing this morning when the Scottish leader of the rebels said to the British woman " It would tickle me to grind your corn".  You can decide for yourself the meaning the phrase, but it did sort of hit the funny bone.

At this point of the Trump insanity the poor cult members are twisting and churning to stay faithful to the idiot cult. Seeing some of the rationalizing for Pence failing to wear a mask is truly educational in regard to how hard people will try to support the idiot leaders.

Well it looks like an overcast day.  Winky wants to clean the house.  As Winky grows older she becomes more of a niggyfiddle.  Imaginary dirt is like imaginary virus, it is everywhere.  Even though old Kadizzle vacuumed the joint not to long ago he will be tasked with sucking up the invisible dirt once more.

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