Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Writ of Mandamus

Kadizzle has lived in Hazen since 1976.  Currently Hazen has the worst city commission imaginable. The commission among other sins refuses to enforce the ordinances.  The ordinances prohibit junk car collections in your yard, but after five years and a great deal of pleading the city has done nothing about the junk collectors.  So what is the answer?  Kadizzle has been educating himself on how to petition for a Writ of Mandamus.  What in the hell is that?  When a group of immovable objects like the Hazen City Commission refuses to act a citizen like Kadizzle can ask a higher court to force the lumps to move.  In this case the State can insist Hazen enforce the ordinance it has enacted.

At the end of the street where Kadizzle lives are two junk collectors.  Junk collector one has in his yard three junkers.  Two junked trucks and one junked car sit for years.  In addition there are four boats, a fifth wheel camper, and assorted other crap.  On any given day there may also be up to four or five vehicles that actually run.  Add to this a couple cats, and dogs that come down to shit in my yard.  Across the street is junk man number two.  In his yard are about three sheds, one in the front yard, and usually he manages to park a junked vehicle or two on the city boulevard.

What can we do the simple minded commissioners say.  The commissioners claim they have no where to put vehicles if they impound them.  Sure as hell they would find somewhere to put a car parked in the middle of main street and abandoned.

The sad and strange thing about the commissioners is they take the side of the slummers.  If a slummer wants to put a trailer on the curb, no problem.  No matter what a slummer wants to put in his yard, no problem.  On the other hand if a property owner wants to keep his property in a neat manner to enhance it's value, the city is not going to help by making the belligerents behave.

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