Friday, June 21, 2019

Walking, Talking, Idiots

Watching a Trump rally is frightening. There they are people who appear to be alive, but devoid of functioning brains.  People who can breath, but are incapable of thinking.  Our town has them, your town has them.  God chose Trump.  Well if your mind is made out of peanut butter God chose everything, even the color of Kadizzle's underwear.

The underwear yesterday was probably black from the mud Kadizzle was in.  What an undertaking. Kadizzle decided to unclog the inlet to our little oxbow.  Antelope Creek feeds the abandoned oxbow by our house.  The drainage is set up to shut off water to the south side of highway 200 when flooding occurs.  The gate that accomplishes this is plugged with debris.  The net result is our side of the road is getting no water.  So yesterday Kadizzle waded in water up to his waist to pull every imaginable piece of crap out of the plugged gate.  After two hours the mission was more or less accomplished.  The whole job would have been very simple if the city would cooperate and just lift the gate, but nothing is simple in Hazen.  The motto here is " nothing is so simple that it cannot be made more complicated." 

Back to the bathroom project. Slow is the operative word.  The carpenter crew has two people.  One is apparently a professional watcher.  While the one guy works slowly the other guy watches.  In three days Kadizzle has not seen the professional watcher do anything.  The bill for this job will be amazing.  If we are billed for the watcher it will double the cost of the carpentry work.  In the old days professionals used to come to your house one at a time, but even the plumber had a helper.  It must be something to do with companionship and avoiding loneliness.

All the planning reminds Kadizzle of the old saying " A camel is a horse designed by a committee".

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