Saturday, June 22, 2019

Darling do not fear what you don't really know.

Anxiety is a terrible thing.  You go into the future and make up a problem. The problem is no one knows the future, so what you are fearing  is what you really do not know.  Things rarely turn out as one plans. Kadizzle has seen people worry for weeks about something only to find out the something never was going to happen. How much stress and time is sucked up fearing the unknown.  Religion is the classic. People spend their entire life fearing what they don't really know.  Look what it does to people.  People arm themselves, hoard stockpiles of junk, and worry themselves into fits fearing what they really don't know.

Fear of the unknown is a prison.  People hunker down an barricade themselves against reality.  You don't  know what will happen if you go for a walk in the woods, so don't go for a walk in the woods.

How many people are sitting in front of a television watching someone else live? How many people are neck deep in a book reading about someone else living?

Our beloved leader and his minions play on this natural fear.  Immigrants are coming to rob us, rape us and take our jobs.  I can protect you from your imagination.  Have I got a deal for you. I will tell you what to imagine, and then I will protect you from it. 

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