Thursday, June 06, 2019

Well folks it is another day.  If you don't read the New York Times you have a problem.  Gail Collins did an excellent job of cutting Mitch McConnell to shreds or the turtle as she calls him.  Human stupidity is amazing, but how the people of Kentucky could elect such an evil man is still puzzling.

Here goes the day, but first let us review yesterday.  Spent hours fixing a bildge pump.  Never would have got the damn thing back in the boat unless skinny Stroupini showed up.  A large lump like Kadizzle just would not fit in the sail locker where the pump had to be installed.

Today is tear out the vanity day.  Our life savings will be spent on a new bathroom.  Somehow the contractor has figured out a way to make the new bathroom cost several hundred dollars a square foot.  Wait, I thought I was exaggerating, but let's do the math.  It comes out to about $180 a square foot.  To save money Kadizzle is tearing out the old stuff, which is todays project.  Mrs. Kadizzle who usually supervises every minute detail of Kadizzles work says she will be in the garden today. Wow, it Kadizzle gets to work without supervision it will be a blessing.

It is a cool morning in the kitchen, and Kadizzle decided to use his super duper hand held thermometer to check temperatures. You can point the thing at something and it tells the temperature.  The deck is 49 degrees, the garage is 70 degrees, and the kitchen is 60 degrees.  The newly insulated garage held 70 degrees of temp over night.  Sort of amazing to go into the garage and find it that warm while the house is a 60.  Bottom line, the insulation is pretty good.

Trump is in Europe embarrassing us all with his idiocy.  If you saw the news you know what I mean. The idiot was being interviewed about why he did not serve in Vietnam.  Individual #1 said he did not approve of the war.  What kind of an idiot would give such and answer?  Trump feels it is morally right to fake a medical problem to get out of a war you don't approve of.  Did they actually ask people who were drafted if they approved of the war? The level of idiocy in this country is astounding.  If you live in North Dakota tune in to Scott Hennen on KFYR radio in the morning.  As Scott sells magic pillows to the red hats he spouts praise for the Trumpster.  This tells you there is a massive audience of idiots in North Dakota that sleep on magic pillows.  By the way they are on sale at the lowest price ever and make excellent wedding gifts.  Just what I want for my gift a magic pillow from a magic idiot.

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