Saturday, July 28, 2018

Rant time

One experiment Kadizzle wants to try is presenting Hoopleheads with factual information.  Now we all know Hoopleheads hate factual information. So how can you get them to read something with real meat?  Once Kadizzle told the old mayor of Hazen he would give the mayor's church $50 dollars if the mayor would read an article from the New York Times and underline anything he disagreed with.  The kind generous man with good Christian motivation would not do it.  The New York Times is blasphemy to a Republican.  The other day Kadizzle was going to make the same offer to the Republican candidate running to replace the evil Kevin Cramer.  It so happens Cramer's Republican replacement has a boat on the same dock with the Words on the Wind ministry boat.  This time Kaidizzle was going to offer the Republican $100 for his campaign if he would read an article in The Atlantic Magazine.  Same rules apply.  Underline the falsehoods.  Unfortunately Kadizzle did not encounter the new mini Trump, but he may still make an attempt.

If you want to be a good Republican you have to isolate yourself from facts, data, and most importantly any source of information that does not promote the party line.  Russia loves the Republicans for a very simple reason.  In Russia they control the media, Republicans in our country are doing a pretty good job doing the same thing.  All good dictators, fascist, and right wing rulers know how to exploit the serfs.  Always turn the middle class against the poor, so the middle class does not suspect the Aristocracy.  The real culprit is never identified.  It is always the welfare cheats that are the problem. If not the welfare cheats it is the immigrants.  If none of that works make up some conspiracy theory.  The current popular conspiracy is the " Deep State".  The deep state is anyone who works to expose the fraud of Trump.  Of course like all good dictators suppress the free press.  That is how fake news works.  This is all so elementary and obvious that you would think anyone could see through it, but that is the mistake people make.  The 19.95 salesman on television know how to rob a Hooplehead and he knows keep it simple.  Free shipping and handling, buy one get one free.  Hoopleheads like things kept simple.  Why make it complicated. It is the minorities, the lazy welfare cheats, and the Democrats that are after your stuff. 

Now you would think anyone would figure out that the person who was stealing the stuff would have the stuff.  Do the welfare cheats have much stuff? No. Do the immigrants have much stuff? No.  Who has the stuff?  The kid that inherited millions from dad has the stuff. The CEO that is paid 347 times more than the worker has the stuff.  You can see who has the stuff, but Republicans know how to point the finger and claim that bunch is after our stuff.  The neat thing about the Hoopleheads is they make great attendees at magic shows. Fooling them is do da.

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