Saturday, June 16, 2018

Pay me now or pay me later

Warning, this may be a rant.  Taxes, those dreadful cost you have to pay, but what do they do? Taxes pay for a lot of things, but they pay for the roads, bridges, and a lot of things that keep us safe.  So what happens when you don't maintain bridges? Sometimes the bridges fall into the river.  It happened in West Virginia right after Kadizzle rode his motorcycle through Point Pleasant in West Virginia when he was going to college.  The bridge was full of Christmas traffic and people were killed.  Along come the Republicans who want to cut taxes on the rich so the poor cannot have safe bridges, but the rich will have safe yachts.  The rich don't use the roads, they fly over them in jets. So the rich are not too concerned about the bridges falling down.  Let the country crumble as long as we get tax breaks.  Also it is nice to have a war now and then, and after all that is what taxes are for.  As the Trumpster takes us toward the dictatorship he loves we glide to our delusional happiness watching Fox news.  Now remember we are all going to be rich some day.  That is why we must by lottery tickets.  If you are going to be rich you should plan for it.  Part of the plan is making sure you do not have to pay taxes when your lottery number is chosen.   So vote Republican even though you are caught in traffic on a bridge about to fall down. As they say shit happens.  Now we all have to decide what is important and what is not. Golf is important.  As a nation we have spent 17 million so Trump can golf, but no health care for the poor, and dammit let that bridge fall in we have to get Air Force One to Florida, and that ain't cheap.  Got to go now Fox News is on and it feels so much better when they tell me everything is peachy, it is just those constantly bitching liberals always wanting to get someone else money.

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