Friday, June 08, 2018

Our Town

Lauren got a notion to revamp the park next to the library in Hazen.  The old guard has been shoveling, weeding, moving gravel, and tilling.  The younger generation is hopeless.  Young people have no sense of donating to the community.  In the old days people built things for the city.  The city is so damn cheap we lack sidewalks in many places.  If you want something, you get a bunch of people scrape up some money, some material, and volunteers.  That is how everything got done.  Now we live in a new age.  The young want someone else to do it.  They want things just to appear.  In the big city you don't build your own park, you don't plan your own festival, you just go to the park and the festival.  Now we live in a world of me, me,  me.   What can I do for me.  Republicans have played on this.  Republicans hate the notion of sharing.  Why should I help do something for someone else when I could be building a fence in my own backyard?  Why should I pay taxes for the common good when I could use that money to buy a bigger fishing boat?  Why do I owe the world anything.  Republicans have a neat way of forgetting someone else won the wars, someone else made the streets, and someone else paid for the schools.  So lets do like Trump and get rid of the government, and taxes.  Let's all get rich by paying no taxes.  Lets just borrow money from China when we need something.  The Chinese will be glad to buy sidewalks for Hazen.  Maybe the Chinese will build us a park. Trump has destroyed all sense of human decency, and who has helped him do it? The fundamentalist Christians.  Trump can lie, steal, or screw porn stars, but he is their hero.  Go figure.

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