Sunday, June 17, 2018

Go West Young Man

Kadizzle may sail west today as a lone sailor.  The weather is overcast, but there will be a wind out of the North East, a good wind to go West.  Handling the 34 foot boat alone can be tricky.  Falling overboard is not a good plan.  Sailing alone Kadizzle lets a small line trail the boat.  Hopefully the line will allow the captain to pull the ladder down and regain control of the ship.  Simply having someone to steer the beast is a lot of help.  Perhaps Kadizzle can shanghai some help.  That would mean going into a bar in Pick City and hitting a drunk over the head like they used to do in the old days.  What would a drunk think if he woke up on my boat.  I could tell the drunk he got on the boat voluntarily. Oh, that bump on your head?  You fell.

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