Thursday, December 22, 2016


Undetectable, ah what a good word.  The PSA check today said there were no detectable antigens.  Now, that is good news for Kadizzle, and perhaps a curse for the rest of the world.  Once you get the dreaded cancer you live in six month increments.  The nasty little cancer cells may be roaming your body looking for a new home.  Discrimination is good in this case. Most neighborhoods will not welcome the cancer cells, however the little devils are clever. Once they realize they are getting no where, then they may decide that a disguise is needed. This is called mutation.  So all it takes is one cell getting smart and the game is on again. So far so good.  We all have to die from something, and Kadizzle would prefer something besides cancer.  Kadizzle has always wished to die from acute prosperity.   Unless lightening strikes that will be unlikely, and anyway we don't really lack for anything.

So here we sit in the arctic shoveling snow for entertainment.  The little Ticklepinch is back for Christmas and should show up within the hour.  The young gymnast is out at the other grandpas right now.  Sylvie has been pleading for an expensive gymnastics bar to work out in her basement.  Between the grandparents and the regular parents it looks like it will happen. Sylvie is so full of energy it should be a great investment. As is it seems impossible for her to stay upright. Constantly she is doing a cartwheel or a handstand.  If the gift manages to drain her down to a reasonable energy level it may be a good investment.  Granny is the one that put the energy gene into little Ticklepinch. Granny must be hiking, biking, or doings some physical activity every moment of the day.  Grandpa on the other hand has perfected idleness.

Hopefully grandpa will get enough gumption to start preparing for Festivus.  It appears there is a lot of snow on the creek and a lot of shoveling will be required.  Then there is the wood to gather. Over the past years we have burnt the easy stuff, so wood may have to be dragged a long way.  Well maybe tomorrow will bring enough good weather to make a go of it.

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