Thursday, December 08, 2016

Hard to be Motivated

Yesterday Mate and Kadizzle took on a task.  Roberto asked the trail crew to re-establish some trails by a roadside picnic area.  First we tried to find where the old trail went, then we proceeded to clear the brush and re-make the foot path.  Whacking away at nasty thorns and bramble bushes the mind began to churn.  Why was Kadizzle cutting his arms to shreds to clear a trail Donald Trump and the Republicans would do everything in their power to destroy?  How many people have fought and are still fighting for clean air, clean water,  decent neighborhoods, and all the things good only to have Trump destroy them?  Trump wants to get rid of public lands.  Public lands are what we work on every day so everyone can enjoy them, not just the rich.. Trump wants to destroy the EPA.  The EPA makes the rivers clean enough so you can swim in them, drink the water from them, and allow them to be used for fishing, irrigation, and recreation.  Trump wants to destroy HUD.   Making the poor live in misery does no one any good.  Creating poverty creates crime.

How are you going to motivate volunteers when you have a government that is only concerned about a select few?  How do you motivate people to do work when the government itself is trying to destroy what you seek to accomplish?  The amazing thing is the shear spectrum of what Trump wants to destroy.  Trump has appointed a woman who wants to destroy public education and replace it with charter schools.  Charter schools really mean crazy religious schools, don't kid yourself.  What parent will try to work to provide for the public schools while Trump's gang tries to destroy them?  What about teaching kids science, and about ecology?  When the president appoints people who simply do not believe in science to run the government, how do you teach kids scientific facts, and scientific research?   How do you teach Boy Scouts to be honorable people when you have a president that lies at every whim?  How do you accomplish anything when for a role model you have a greedy, self centered, narcissist running the country?  On and on it goes.  Everything that has gone forward will now be set back by years.  Very sad.

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