Tuesday, December 27, 2016


Today is scheduled for the great Festivus celebration.  Festivus will require a lot of work.  Snow is piled everywhere.  Just getting down to the creek will be a lot of shoveling.  More firewood needs to be gathered, but if all goes well the celebration will go forward.

Ticklepinch is stuck out in the country with her mom, and dad, so who knows it may just be the old Grandparents.  The deck has snowed in again and the big question is can the garbage truck make it down the street.

This is the first year in twenty years the Kadizzles put up a real Christmas tree.  Taking it down should be relatively simple.  Perhaps Kadizzle can convince the boss to toss it in the Festivus fire today.

Before long we will head back to the warm life in Arizona.  No more endless hot showers and a few other amenities will be missed, but warm sunlight  is a fair trade.  No television in the wild.  That is a good thing. Sleeping with the windows open, a good thing.  No noise, the silence of the desert.

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