Friday, December 23, 2016


Grandpa and Ticklepinch are having a great time watching Eloise.  Eloise reminds Grandpa so much of Sylvie.  So here we sit in Hazen enjoying the freezing 4 degrees.  Fran cooked up a wonderful meal for everyone at the Bodine country home.  Bodines are slowly pouring in.  It is not unusual for 24 people ot be staying in their home for Christmas.  Of course they have the mother of all dinners.  It takes a couple of big tables end to end to seat everyone, and massive amounts of food is cooked and consumed.  We ran into Peggy at the grocery store with a cart overflowing with food.

Peggy is Fran's mom, and one of Kadizzle's heroes.  Peggy is a staunch Catholic, but she would correct the Pope if she thought he was wrong.  On several occasions Peggy has corrected the priest in her church after a sermon.  Peggy plays the piano in church, so she is in the ideal position to spread the gospel according to Peggy.  Before the election the priest had the audacity to promote Trump for president.  After finishing her song on the piano Peggy got up and gave the Democratic view to the congregation.  This is not the first time Peggy has pointed out that God is not a Republican too the congregation.

Well got to go now,  Eloise is locked in a locker in the basement and the marraige she is trying to stop looks like it is going forward.  The tension is building.

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