Friday, December 09, 2016

Cheer Up

Shanika called from North Dakota to complain that the Kadizzle Blog was too depressing yesterday, so perhaps today we need Cheer Up news.  Well we are snug as a bug in the rug in the Earth Module.  Up at five A.M.  Mate is making the coffee the heaters warmed the joint up quickly.  No doubt the sun will be out and it will warm up nicely.   The crew will gather and we will continue to restore the trail at the Vineyard Picnic Area.

Cheech is in her new home in Philadelphia and her company had the mother of all Christmas parties with acrobats swinging from the ceiling.  Sylvie hit the jackpot once again when Kadizzle's sister Patty sent Sylvie a package of artist supplies.  No one live the gifted life little Sylvie does.  As an only child with too many adoring relatives Sylvie need only snap her fingers and her desire is fulfilled.  On top of this her mom is a soft touch along with her dad.

So sadness or depression is only a state of mind.  Being healthy is a good starting point.  Awakening there was no pain, and all bodily functions seemed normal.  Being happy is always helped by something good to look forward to. Mate is making peanut butter and banana sandwiches which will be great for lunch. Next week we head home to celebrate Festivas the holiday for the rest of us.  The Festivas celebration will be held on the creek by the house as usual.  Everyone is invited.  As usual the Festivas celebration will involve a huge fire built on the ice.  Building a fire on ice seems counter productive, but the symbolism is important.  One would think the fire would melt the ice and put itself out.  This does not happen.  The fire burns for hours.  The lesson is you can never predict how things will turn out.  So here we go heading toward 2017.  Who knows how the new experiment with an insane man for president will turn out, but let us be optimistic.

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