Monday, May 23, 2016

With the greatest of ease

Yesterday the cloth was hoisted, and the conglomeration of fiberglass, ropes, steel, and humanity began to move. The good ship Sovereign sailed for the first time in 2016.  What is magic about sailing?  A sailing craft moving through the water has no moving parts.  Everything on a sailboat can be perfectly still, yet the boat moves. It must be this magic that is so intriguing.  There is no noise from a sailboat except the water gurgling past the boat.  A sailboat moves like a spirit.  It needs no noise to make it go, it needs no power source.  A hand from the sky pushes the boat.  A sailboat cooperates with the universe and moves on it's own.  A sailboat saps the energy of the sun with no pollution. A sailboat only works if you cooperate with nature.  Nature will only allow a sailboat to move according to set rules that cannot be changed. You cannot change the wind, nor the direction of the wind, but you can make a sailboat go where you want to go if you cooperate.  A straight line is not always nature's way of getting you there.  A lesson exist here.  There is a reward for cooperating with nature.  The ride is far smoother than a power boat hammering against nature. The ride allows for talking and relaxing.  A sailboat is not a fast ride, but how many things that were slow did you savor in life. A good meal is better slowly eaten, a thought pondered is often better.  Slow is not always bad.  Slow is relaxing, slow is calming, so don't disrespect slow.  When your spirit is finally whisked away it will be the same wind that move the sailboat, it will not be a huge diesel.

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