Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Kadizzle experimenting with a sex change.

Prostate cancer has many interesting aspects.  First, it does not like men.  That is pretty sexist in and of itself. What cancer likes the most is testosterone.  Keeping prostate cancer in check means depriving it of that magic substance that builds muscle, and drives men to do stupid things.  Once you inject Lupron into Kadizzle it stops the production of testosterone.  That means Kadizzle gets to have hot flashes.  Normally we think of women having hot flashes and don't give a damn, but it all changes when your own body periodically catches fire.  Yup, you throw off the sheets, and keep changing from warm cloths to cool. The first taste of menopause makes you think of MEN o pause.  Menopause for men has been created to give Kadizzle respect for women.  Besides the hot flashes you get some bonus fatigue, and a little weight gain.  So now the maybe good news.  Kadizzle has had his last shot of Lupron which should wear off by September.  Gradually Kadizzle could become a he man again.  There is a catch, called getting old.  Once you burn up two years with no testosterone you get back in the saddle to see old age has also taken it's toll.  No matter how you slice it getting old is a bitch.  Incidentally, the Lupron can make you into a bit of a bitch.  There is some extra grumpy that comes with the shots.  As you get old try to fall apart gracefully.

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