Thursday, May 12, 2016

The Hisorty of Ignorance

For God knows how long we have been entitled to free programs from Amazon. Last night Old Kaddizzle decided to give it a try.  The first program he watched was The Wolf of Wall Street.  It turned out to be very amusing. Would recommend it.  However, there is plenty of everything good Christians should not see or hear.

Since we are on Christianity, let's get to it.  The Wolf of Wall Street is about how a young guy goes nuts bilking stupid people and makes a fortune in the process. The oldest and most original way to bilk people was religion.  To get people to just simply give you something all you have to do is play on their greed, their fear, or scare them.  Now the door is open. Promise them heaven, and of course there is a ten percent carrying fee.  Tell them to buy a special stock, and of course there is a fee. Of course you can scare them and sell them guns and ammunition. Now, if you are a politician, you can do all the above.  Tell them you love Jesus, just like they do, scare them that the Mexicans are coming to rape them, and be sure to tell them they get to keep their guns.  It works every time.  Donald Trump has made stupidity and ignorance popular and acceptable.  When everyone goes to church to get robbed, why shouldn't you?  When everyone has a gun, why not me?

You cannot get rich working, unless your work is taking money from the gullible. No one has a better racket than the stump preachers.  The product you sell cost nothing.  You sell hope to the simple minded. You charge dearly.  Of course you can sell some vitamins with sawdust mixed in, or maybe a heater that will heat your house for next to nothing.  Take the heater apart and it is just an infrared light bulb.  Now, walk around and see how many people freely admit they are idiots waiting to harvested.  In their yard you will find a Trump sign, on their truck will be the NRA sticker,  and now you know who you can scare and sell a basket of hope. 

Society has been divided into the have's and the have not's.  The have's robbed the have nots. Not too much to it.  It all started when one guy said "I can talk to God, but you cannot".  So if you want me to put a word in to god for you give me ten bucks.  The game was on.  Now the dingers wander over to the gas station and plunk down ten bucks to buy this weeks lottery ticket.  Give me ten dollars worth of hope.  I know it will work.

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