Friday, May 13, 2016

Once Upon a Time

Once upon a time in a galaxy far away, in fact on a different planet in Southern West Virginia, Kadizzle had a conversation with a hillbilly. The hillbilly said to Kadizzle " You are a free thinker".  Kadizzle responded, " What is that?".   The mountain man said " Well, you just think whatever you want".   At that magic moment the clouds lifted and Kadizzle realized there are people who do not think "Whatever they want".   Why would anyone restrain their thoughts?  Of course one must not let every thought turn into an action, otherwise the streets would be full of dead people.

But just imagine real people who restrain themselves from thinking.  Yup, they are all around us.  The Earth is populated with people who deliberately idle their brains.  People put wall inside their heads, and live in those walls.  One favorite saying Kadizzle has always loved is " There are none so blind as those who will not see".  Minds in prison create Fox News, Hitler, and the Republican Party.  So get your mind out of jail and trying thinking about something different.   Think about how you have been fooled. Think about how you have been mislead.  Think about how good most people are.  Think about your right to enjoy life.  Think something you do not normally think. It will be fun.

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