Sunday, April 04, 2010

Matt Taibbi, How Wall St. Riiped Off Main Street

Rarely does Kadizzle laugh out loud from reading something, but if anyone can do it it is Matt Taibbi. He has to be Kadizzle's favorite writer. Here is example when Taibbi discribes one of the crooks "Blount is a stocky, stubby-fingered Southerner with glasses and a small pinched face - if Norman Rockwell had ever done a painting titled "Small Town Accountant Taking an Enormous Dump," it would look just like Blount."

After reading the article you can see that Wall Street is just a bunch of sophisticated gangsters, that never go to jail. Of course the Republicans are fighting any kind of real reform that would keep the Wall Street crooks in check. Read the article it is a wonderful example of how all those people on Wall Street are getting bonuses for destroying our country.

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