Saturday, April 24, 2010

It looks different from here.

Kadizzle was pondering the question, "Do people ever really change their opinion?", then an old experience came to mind. Many years ago Kadizzle worked for a coal company in Eastern Ohio. The man he worked for was a human relations guy. Even though the man had a good job with a good coal company, he had never been down into a coal mine. Almost every day he bashed the coal miners. The coal miners were lazy union dogs demanding way too much.

The day finally came for his first trip underground. Kadizzle remembers it well. We went into the Franklin Mine. In a coal mine roof bolts are used to support the roof of the mine. Normally the mine roof is flat from one bolt to the next when the bolts are doing their job. However, in the section of the mine where my boss was on his first underground tour, everything had had fallen out from between the bolts. It looked bad, very bad. Kadizzled looked at his boss whose eyes got so big they looked like golf balls. You could tell he was scared. All of a sudden those coal miners he had been calling lazy slackers were hero's. He looked at me an said they deserve every cent they get. There is no way in hell you could get me to work here. My boss had a new found respect for coal miners.

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