Friday, April 02, 2010

Awake at 6,000 feet

What is left of the Kadizzlites have awakened to a cold morning at 6,000 feet. The coffee water boils sooner and not as hot. First, we have to heat the joint up a little. Hopefully nothing froze. Today Kadizzle guesses The Commander will insist on a forced march. No doubt it will be down into some vast canyon. On our short hike yesterday there were many little sites where you could see ancient people had been crafting arrow heads. Kadizzle was hopping to find something interesting. The wife of the camp host found a seven inch spear point. The best Kadizzle could do was a arrow head with the point broken. There is a letter in the Bismarck Tribune today by a preacher who is a bit upset about Glenn Beck coming out against social justice. Glenn Beck is as close to Hitler in his techniques as anyone you will see in your lifetime. It is very scary that people actually watch and believe such a delusional maniac. If you watch him very long you can see he needs treatment. It seems like our country is slipping into the McCarthy era once again. The simple minded always like someone like Glenn Beck to scare the beJesus out of them. Glenn fits in so well with the Fox News crowd. News on Fox and entertainment cannot be separated. No other news organization manufactures its own news. Only Fox has the balls to whip up some organization like the teabaggers then pretend it emerged on it's own.

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