Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Who sent the comment?

Below is a comment sent in by some anonymous person. A lot of it sounds like it was taken right out of the Kadizzle playbook. I wonder if someone is spoofing me or really agrees with a lot of what I believe? I would like to know some of the sources for the figures quoted. Fundamentally who ever wrote it believes as I do. You cannot allow one percent of the population to accumulate some outrageous percent of the wealth and expect the economy to survive. That is it in a nut shell. It is also interesting that no one talks about this problem. Just like "the person" says. It is a forbidden topic. The favorite game today is to call anyone who proposes that the rich share with the rest of us a "socialist". Socialism is just a fancy term for sharing, and we all know that is bad. Sharing encourages laziness. So don't give your kids anything, it will just make them worthless. Do you really belive that? Most amazing of all is that this is a "Christian" country. What a strange religion that promotes such greed and says it is what the lord wants?

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