Friday, April 24, 2009

Kadizzle childhood home nominated for award

Someone has taken the time to properly restore the childhood home of Lord Kadizzle and the family has been nominated for a local historical preservation award. Surely this will someday be a national monument. Kadizzle's sister Kate sent him the pictures and a history of the man who built the house. Of course the original owner was in the brewery business.

The porch swing on the left side of the porch played the most critical role of anything in my life. Sleeping on that swing one day Kadizzle was awakened by a friend. The friend asked Kadizzle to ride along to a job application process. It is a long story, but it was that swing that started Kadizzle's career in the coal industry and lead to every major event in his life. If that nap had not taken place the entire history of world events would be different.

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