This morning Lord Kadizzle got up early. Sinus problems make sleep impossible. Kadizzle has been up for about an hour. The Supreme Commander is stirring in the back of the house. If Kadizzle was smart he would turn into Hoppy the servant and make some coffee for The Commander. The shower is running so there is yet time to get the coffee going. Whups, The Commander just shouted from the bedroom for coffee. Kadizzlel will take The Commander the newspaper with the coffee. Good move Kadizzle. Of course it will be fresh ground coffee with half and half.
If one wants peace and quite one should do what one can to keep The Commander happy in the bedroom. In this case it means coffee and the newspaper. Once The Commander emerges orders will be barked and the ship of state will be underway. Lately The Commander has been threatening we are going to swab the decks. Lord Kadizzle is going for a job interview on Monday. Last year they asked "Why do you want to work for us?". Kadizzle answered "Its easier than working for the commander". If Kadizzle can fool The Commander by claiming he must dust up his resume today, perhaps he can avoid the humiliation of putting on his scrub woman outfit and bowing to the commands of The Commander. Wish me luck.
Update: As Hoppy delivered the coffee he was chastised because the cream was insufficient. Hoppy quickly ran to the kitchen and returned with the proper mixture. At 7:23 the house is quite and The Commander is distracted with the paper. Praise the Lord.
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