Sunday, April 12, 2009

May you live in interesting times

It does not seem like a curse, but the phrase "May you live in interesting times " is an ancient Chinese curse. We are in the midst of those times, and that curse. The chickens are coming home to roost. Our economy is in shambles because we are about to pay the price for the McMansion mentality encouraged by a philosophy of greed. The whole notion that one group of people can prosper at the expense of many is about to be challenged in a way that will change the world. A writer recently pointed out that if the whole world lived like the United States, it would take seventy Earths to support our needs. The greed is good, consumption is good, and I deserve it philosophy promoted by the right wing likes of Rush Limbaugh is now going to assure that we live in interesting times.

Some say this could be good for us. It may be like the guy who ate too much and had a heart attack (could be me). Now the guy sets off on a health kick, eats right and starts to excercise. That would be the best outcome for our country.

Reality is going to come crashing down on our heads. The spoiled little brats we have raised are going to have to endure a different life style. The days of playing video games and having mom and dad hand you money are coming to a quick end. Our country may have to go back to being a place where people make things, and work consist of more than shuffling morgages, CDs and other illusary poker chips. The pied piper is out there. Glen Beck, Bill O the Fox News Clown, and of course Rush are all trying to blow air back into the right wing illusion that there is no global warming, if you just give tax breaks to the rich, and we are the greatest. Meanwhile there are no jobs, our credit card with the Chinese is about to be cancelled, and our kids are all finding out they cannot make a living playing video games or being hocky stars. What is the world coming to? Lets just go to church and pray.

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