Wednesday, April 01, 2009

How you get cheated

This salary chart for Blue Cross clearly shows how the middle class gets cheated. Look at the raises these guys get. While inflation bubbles along at 3 percent, these hoopleheads always get raises that outstrip inflation. Meanwhile working people just get inflation raises if they are lucky. CEO's in 1978 got about 147 times what the working man did. Now, they average 350 times what the average worker gets. Real wages for people in the middle class have declined by twelve percent since 1978. The chart says it all. How is it that they are becoming so much more productive while you are making no real improvements? The simple answer is they are taking more and more, that is why we are in the current economic mess. Now some Republican will tell you this is all for your own good, but are you really that stupid. It is just like giving some televangelist money, and thinking it is the right thing to do. How could any young person support the philosophy of a party that engineers this kind of greed for the people on the top and ignores the person in the middle doing all the work?

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