Thursday, February 07, 2008

Goodby Mitt

Mitt is out of the game, hal-a-lou-ya. The Republicans are now being paid back for courting the fundies. Two buck Huck put the damper on Mitt, now McCain is their only game. Of course the biggest pig of all time Rush is having a fit with McCain, because he talks to Democrats. It doesn't get much better than see the Republicans implode because of their own sins. It would be hard to imagine a country electing McCain. He wants to play some more war and piss away more of the money we are borrowing from the Chinese. If Americans are dumb enough to say we must win a war even though we went to the wrong country, give me a break. Meanwhile back in Pakistan where Osama really is, the Pakistan government and the great George Bush have agreed to give Osama a free spot in Pakistan where they promise not to bother him, so he can regroup.

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