Sunday, February 10, 2008

Coming out of the Stupor

The Kadizzles have awakened to a warm sunny day, it is like being on another planet. Sitting here listening to NPR, it seems the Evangelicals may be coming out of their total fog. According to Vice President of Evangelicals, or who ever he is "The Republicans do not own the evangelicals". Wow, what a revelation. Also he indicated perhaps they should not be supporting a party that supports torture. Listening to the gentleman speak, you begin to think they may actually have begun to read some of the better suggestions in the Bible. He even went so far as to say "Same sex marriages are pretty far down on our list of concerns". These people look like they may actually start to focus on poverty, and a few other issues? If Bush ever did anything Lord Kadizzle could call good, it would be exposing the fraud the Republicans pulled on the easily confused. It looks like if the fundies have had enough there is hope.

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