Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Replacement Theory

 We have a problem with replacement theory. Republicans have replaced their brains with a direct connection to Fox News. Logic has been replaced with fantasy. Morality has been replaced with greed. Christians have replaced Jesus with Trump. On it goes. 

In every way the Kadizzles have been bleeding cash. Today we paid 600 dollars to fix a leak in the Earth Module. Landscaping has been draining us. Then there is the stock market. It fell with a thud today. Kadizzle has a number that he considers a comfort level for the stock market. The market is near the panic level. Hopefully we can float across the finish line. 

The economic insanity that has gripped this country is amazing. You simply cannot allow 400 families to own half of everything and think that will work. The minimum wage is about twenty years behind. Infrastructure is crumbling, and the concept of taxing the rich is toxic. 

When you look at the statistics from polls you see the tsunami of stupidity is worse than you imagined. Republicans are assured 29% of the vote because they own the hard core stupid. That means any sane candidate starts out at a deficit. Lying is worth more than money in the political realm. Who has perfected lying?

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