Saturday, May 21, 2022

Kadizzle had a terrible Fizzler

When we was boys we played with Chinese firecrackers. Every so often you would light one and it would fail to go off. The fuse would fizzle, but nothing happened. We called these fizzlers. 

Well there is a thought process very similar. You have a thought, but it fizzles. One easy way to have a fizzler is to come to a conclusion to quickly. Winky has a terrible fizzler problem. Kadizzle will say three words of a sentence and Winky will react before she has a clue about the rest of Kadizzle's thought. That is how fizzlers work. The worst fizzlers in the world are the rockets with people on them that make it a few feet into the air and explode. 

You, Kadizzle, your dog, and the trees are getting older. This simply means we are now prone to more fizzlers. As part of our new home process we are acquiring furniture. In Denver we bought three large bookcases that have to be assembled. Of course they are from Ikea. Ikea does not write instructions in English, they draw cartoon pictures so anyone in the world can interpret the instructions and put the paste wood together. 

Old Kadizzle successfully put the first cabinet together, the fizzler hit on the second one. To refresh his mind on how the cabinets went together Kadizzle revied the instructions. Big mistake. The brain had a fizzler and Kadizzle misinterpreted the instructions. The brain said Ikea packaged the wrong parts. This led to a long complicated phone call to Ikea to send the right parts. The Ikea person refused to give Kadizzle the phone number to a local store and Ikea would not list the number for a local store. Kadizzle did the old " Let me talk to your supervisor " routine. It worked and Kadizzle got a cooperative person who agreed to send forty of the right parts. This gets complicated. There were never any wrong parts. Kadizzle had just imagined a wrong part problem. So when forty of the exact same part showed up Kadizzle started to think. This is when the fizzler clear up. Kadizzle thought, the company could not possible be so stupid as to send forty wrong pieces after his careful explanation of the problem. Now the brain fog cleared and all of a sudden Kadizzle realized Ikea never made a mistake, he had just suffered from a massive fizzler. 

Fizzlers are basically misperceptions. Your brain decides too quickly what is going on. The trick to avoiding fizzlers is slowing down. Fast thinking may have worked when you were twenty, but at 73 the calculator needs some oil. 

At this point Kadizzle will give an example of a fizzler long ago. In fact when he was too young to be having fizzlers. Parked in the lot of the shopping center in Bismarck Kadizzle was waiting for Winky to come out of Sears. It was a cold winter day with wind.  A young man pulled up beside Kadizzle and parked in the handicapped spot. The young fellow jumped out of the van like Superman and ran toward the store. Kadizzle was outraged that such a fit person would take advantage of the handicapped spot. Kadizzle was going to give the guy the chew.  However, before Kadizzle could express his rage he saw the young guy reappear at the door. The terrible offender was pushing someone in a wheel chair. Kadizzle was thankful he did not say anything. It was a lesson in waiting for all the evidence before coming to a conclusion. So beware the Ides of March and watch out for fizzlers. 

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