Thursday, May 19, 2022

How's life Mr. McFeely?

An old guy used to sit on his porch in the town where Kadizzle went to college. On the way to class we would say hi to Mr. McFeely. One morning as we walked past Mr. McFeely's we asked " How is life?". Mr. McFeely replied " Fine, it is just taking so damn long". At 73 sometimes Kadizzle thinks about that statement. Kadizzle for some reason is reviewing old memories. They come from everywhere. At no other stage of life did Kadizzle look back on the past so intently. Think about all the people, all the crap, all the things that happened. In 73 years a lot can take place. Kadizzle has moved around some. You can go on the google and find out that the google has been tracking you. Kadizzle has done this a few times. Little red dots show where you have been. Of course this has just been since the advent of the cell phone. Looking at the travel history memories come back about places. 

There are places, then there are people. Think of the people you have encountered. At this age think about how many people you knew who have been drawn up to Jesus. Who knows where they really went, if anywhere. You can see why people like the fantasy of religion. Now they are replacing it with the fantasy of Trump. Strange it is the same people into Jesus, and Donald. Wow, we live on a strange planet. 

Anyway going to be another nice day. Winky has lost her mind worrying and becoming obsessed with minor problems. Our new home has moisture in the basement. Back in December it rained very hard and Kadizzle believes some of the rain seeped into the crawl space. On the other hand Winky seems to think the house is in eminent doom and may be washed away at any moment. 

This gets to another problem. Money has been shooting out our bung hole like a cannon. We had a water leak on our RV fixed. $600 later the leak is gone. However, the electrical system somehow got compromised while it was being fixed. No problem the RV guy said, take you Earth Module home and I will come to your house and fix it. OK, Kadizzle said, then he thought wait it worked when we brought it to you, now it doesn't. Kadizzle thought Mr. RV would come fix it for free, since there was a good chance some how Mr. RV did something to it while he worked on it to make the slide out unfunctional. Nope, Mr. RV said it would cost the usual $130 an hour to trouble shoot the damn thing. Somehow Mr. RV feels he should be paid the rate of a dentist, a lawyer, or a rocket scientist. 

This gets us to the next continual game here. Winky meets someone of Mexican heritage that does landscaping. They are quickly buddies, next thing you know we are negotiating for thousands in landscape improvements. 

Well yesterday Ernesto came to give us an estimate for putting some flagstone in the backyard. Kadizzle wanted Ernesto to give an estimate for concrete in the crawl space. Winky called Kadizzle down to the crawl space from his comfortable perch on the couch watching the news. Entering the crawl space Kadizzle found two Mexicans that did not speak English sitting on buckets, and then there was their boss Ernesto. Ernesto and his gang found water in the back of the crawl space where they had dug a little hole. Now, the fireworks began. The discovery of water sent Winky's anxiety meter into the red. Where was the water coming from. Ernesto and his gang cooked up the idea it was coming from a leak in our sewer line. This seemed to Kadizzle highly unlikely. First the water did not smell like sewage, and Kadizzle thought the best explanation was left over rain water from the period when the house had no gutters. As this mess spiraled out of control Ernesto did have a good idea. He said look at the neighbors crawl space and see if it was wet. We did, the neighbor has the same problem. Most likely the water is natural ground water. At any rate Kadizzle does not think it is a real serious problem. The ground will dry out, but Winky thinks nuclear war is eminent. This is just one more day in settling in to our new home. Imagining problem that probably don't exist has become the bane of our existence. 

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