Thursday, May 26, 2022

Full Scale Range War

 Kadizzle is fuming. Erin called today crying. She was so upset. A school in Denver was having a gun incident. It was not Sylvie's school, but they locked down Sylvie's school. Of course it caused untold worry. The range war is on the Republicans. Fred Stern is a Republican in District 33. He used to run the gas plant at Beulah. Kadizzle knew him on a casual social basis. It would seem the man had some sense. Kadizzle was shocked when he found out Stern supported Trump. Could he really be that stupid. Kadizzle called Stern today with no reply. Kadizzle has been ranting to every Republican he can get his hands on. They are evil, down right evil. When you take NRA money like Hoeven, and Cramer you are evil. Taking money so kids can be gunned down at school, yet the people of North Dakota vote for these scum. These are Trump scum. They would not impeach the rat. What is wrong with the people of North Dakota. If you are a Republican and you are reading this, know one thing, Kadizzle does not posess an once of respect for you. It is becoming harder and harder to be near friends with the Republican disease. How can they be so ruthless for greed, tax cuts, and lies? Please confront these rats. 

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