Thursday, May 26, 2022

Good Morning Kadizzlites

Waved forty bucks in front of Jesus for the miter saw I wanted. Jesus said no, he needed fifty. As Kadizzle walked out of the store Jesus said he would take forty. You can bargain with Jesus, it is the smell of cash he likes. The TELevangelist prove that.  

Kadizzle is not from this planet. This planet is awash in stupidity. Yesterday Kadizzle called the offices of the three stooges to rant about gun control. You know the stooges, Hoeven, Cramer, and Armstrong. They represent the Hoopleheads in North Dakota. Now that we live in Payson, Kadizzle has discovered the gold mine of ignorance here. 

This planet makes no sense. There is plenty of everything, but the dingers cannot figure out how to share it. 

The Mexicans are building us a nice patio in the backyard. The economy of Arizona lives and dies by the Mexicans, but the dimwits here want to keep them out. The set up is so strange. They come into our country work, go back, send money back, and then come back. 

Kadizzle admires these people. They work hard, are good family people, have a great sense of humor, and are always cheerful. The fact that they are played by the Republican rats enrages Kadizzle. 

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