Saturday, March 12, 2022

Today's hike

Cliff is sitting at the end of the table waiting for his bagel. With Winky, and Cliff, Kadizzle will take a hike today. The hike will be to an Indian ruin, or an old Spanish town.  People don't seem to know what the ruin is.  The Spanish were in this part of the world pretty early. Long ago some copper miners from Globe told Kadizzle the Spanish or Mexicans used to come in the winter to mine gold in a little town they built in the mountains near Globe. There is some gold around there. 

The situation in Ukraine is insane. Hard to believe this would happen in modern times. Old Kadizzle has but so many years to breathe, but the young people, what about the young? What kind of world will we leave them? A mess, a damn mess. We have squandered the resources of the Earth. Stupidity has infested the country. The truth went out the door and people will believe anything. Religion trained people to believe anything. Name a religion that does not make up hocus pocus. We are children that never grow up. Santa Clause and Jesus are just to good to resist. 


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