Monday, March 21, 2022

OK, Kadizzle is 73 Today

A lot of thank you's for the birthday wishes. The old man turned 73 today. The world has changed a lot in 73 years. Never thought a thug like Trump would be president, never thought might see a nuclear war, never thought so many people would join a cult like the Trump cult. Hard to believe in my lifetime the tax structure has been turned upside down, the infrastructure has been allowed to crumble, and we have televised lying that people believe. Sad to say in 73 years things have not improved a lot. In the old days doctors and lawyers were honorable. In the old days there were decent Republicans like Eisenhower. 

 Do you want some good news? Actually many things in the world have improved. The number of people who can read is now at 80%. World health is better than most people realize. The standard of living for so many has improved. People fear socialism, but the countries that have adopted sharing are outperforming us on many fronts. 

Will Kadizzle make it to 80?  My older brother and sister have broken the barrier. Out of 9 children 6 are still breathing. Heart attacks took three. Kadizzle has not had any heart problems. What will the next years bring?  The Trump insanity is frightening, the dumbing down of the country is out of control, and it is looking like the planet may melt. Kadizzle may jump off this planet just in time. What are we leaving our children and grandchildren? Our selfish consumption of resources has left them a mess it will be hard to dig out of.  Science, education, and understanding history can bring hope, yet so many still cling to cults, religion, and mythology. Those are the things that got us into the current mess. Will we learn?

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