Monday, March 14, 2022

Dear Russian Friends

If you have been reading this blog for a long time you know many Russians were checking it out. Not sure if the Russians can still get on, but Kadizzle wants to send them a message. So here we go. Russians, sad to see what is happening in your country. Our country is approaching the same mess. We have a man named Donald Trump who admires Putin. Trump wants to be Putin and loves the idea you can just poison you opponents. Your country has massive resources, but too many are poor, same thing here. Your country is plagued by greedy people, same here. Once the greedy get plenty of money then they want more land, more countries, more control. Lying is Putin's best gambit, ditto Trump. Sleepy people who accept Putin and Trump are the problem. Lazy people who do not research the lies are the problem. The truth is deadly to Trump and Putin. Keep that in mind. Just as we must constantly do what we can to fight the dictatorship of Trump, you also have an obligation to fight for the future of your family. People need to step up before the dictators crush us all. 

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