Tuesday, March 08, 2022

Little Boxes

We all live in little boxes. We are less than insects in the universe. The planet is trying to shake us off. Humans are the cancer of the Earth. Our little machines spew toxic dust and fumes. We cut down, dig up, and kill everything we can. What do we do with all the trees, cotton, and steel. We make nonsense. Way too many clothes, cars, and water bottles. The trains chug across the continent carrying Chinese junk. Our garbage trucks haul the Chinese shiploads of junk to the landfill. All to quickly the animals and fish are disappearing. Decent people are disappearing, replaced by Trump robots. 

 Cheer up, the sun will be over the mountain in a few minutes. The dinosaurs were wiped out. Then we came. Who is next. Will they be this greedy, this stupid, this self centered, this warlike. Who knows, but the Earth is millions of years old and can heal on it's own time. 

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