Friday, March 11, 2022

Living without a phone

A thousand years ago people paid a dime for a phone conversation. If Kadizzle did the math the cost of a phone call now would be $20. Kadizzle does not use the phone much. Maybe it is time to get the phone for old folks. By forgetfulness Kadizzle left his phone at the Earth module while he was up at the mountain retreat. Five days with no phone, no problem. 

Making a permanent move is such a hassle. Changing addresses for credit cards, licenses, drivers license change, change the plates on the car and truck, and on and on. A new house means signing up for garbage, sewer, water, gas, electric. It means setting all those up to be paid every month. 

Cannot think of Putin without seeing Trump. Do the Trump cult people know what they are in for when Trump becomes Putin? 

There is a certain mindset of people who want to live under a dictatorship. How nice to be in the military where someone else decides everything for you. That wonderful feeling of orderliness taken to infinity. People who want predictability love dictators. Hard to believe some people think dictatorship is the way to go, it is just a matter of picking the right dictator. Look at England, they love the idea of a King or Queen. They fawn for the good old days of aristocracy. Way down south in the land of Dixie. For most of our lives we lived in a white dictatorship. Losing it and thinking Trump can save it. 

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