Friday, January 07, 2022

The Cult

Winky is down at Lake Roosevelt doing some volunteer work for the Forest Service. At our new home Kadizzle is alone cooking for himself, actually burning to death some hamburgers in our new toater oven. Kadizzle got caught up in a BS storm with the guys putting in the wi-fi. It was a political discussion. That gets to the point. Yesterday Kadizzle ran into four Hoopleheads. These Hoopleheads always make the same statement, in fact the guy putting in the wi-fi made the statement " Trump did some good things".  When you ask these people what the good things are they are stunned. After you talk to a Hooplehead for a little bit you realize they are all getting their narrative from the same source. It must be right wing media. The one thing all of them end up saying in their narrative is " If Trump would just shut up he would be fine, his mouth gets him in trouble".  Kadizzle has heard the exact phrase come from at least ten Hoopleheads in the last month. They all say exactly the same thing. Think about it. Could you imagine claiming someone is smart, but their speech makes them appear stupid?The Hoopleheads are in a cult. Kadizzle is frieghtened by this cult. Cults out of control kill people. Kill themselves and do a lot of damage. The Trump cult is strong in Arizona. In fact it is probably worse than North Dakota. Reality means nothing to these people, they don't hesitate to invent their own facts, science, or whatever it takes. 20% of the people we meet seem normal and capable of experiencing reality, 80% are lost in the wilderness. If you think Kevin Cramer, Kelly Armstrong, and John Hoeven are worthless lickspittles, you ain't seen notton like the Gosar. Senator Gosar was neck deep in supporting the January 6th insurrection. Gosar is openly mentally ill, and the Hoopleheads love it. 

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